Best Tips for Traveling with Seniors

Summertime is usually the time of year when everyone wants to plan vacations, visit out-of-town family members, or spend weekends on a getaway. This is also true for caregivers who are caring for a senior loved one. This could be an exciting time for them too. Whether traveling by plane, taking a road trip, or going on a cruise, older adults enjoy getting away from it all just like the rest of the family. If you are caring for an older adult, and want to plan a trip that includes them, plan well enough ahead so as not to forget any important details that are essential to safe travels. Clearwater Home Care has some tips for you;

Traveling By Airplane

When traveling to the desired destination with your senior loved one, make reservations well ahead of time. Check for senior discounts, and plan to travel at the right time during the day when medications are not scheduled to be taken, or at a time when the bathroom routine would not be interrupted. Check that all medication refills are up to date to ensure that the older adult will not run out while away from home. Packing for the older adult would probably include some extra underwear, nightclothes, and comfortable shoes, and other clothing. Most airlines allow one carry-on bag, and this bag should have all medications packed in it. If traveling as a family, make sure that the seating allows an adult to sit with the senior loved one.

Going On A Road Trip

These trips are always fun for everyone. Have a list of important things to remember, and double-check it before leaving home. Pack medications in the vehicle so that they are easily accessible. Plan to drive in intervals that are not too long before stopping for a break. Older adults may need restroom breaks more frequently than others. Plan when meal breaks will be taken, but always travel with nutritional snacks in case someone gets hungry before mealtime. Try to have family members switch seats after a period of time to possibly prevent stiffness for the elderly adult. Making stops at interesting landmarks is a great idea. When traveling during the summer, the air conditioning inside the vehicle can get very cold, so make sure the older adult has a sweater or a small blanket with them for comfort.

Think About Raking A Cruise

Older adults really enjoy sailing on the water on an ocean liner. Packing for a cruise can be simpler than other travels because not as much may be needed. All conveniences are provided, so the senior loved ones can enjoy themselves without major concerns. The ship has handicap accessibility if needed. Home Care Clearwater highly advised bringing all medications and a lightweight jacket or sweater for nighttime walks on deck. Seniors love to travel if their health permits. If they have health conditions, be sure to check with their doctor for any limitations they may have, and what they can or cannot actively be engaged in.
